Intermediate Acrylic Painting Ideas

Unleash your inner artist and embark on an enchanting journey of acrylic painting! Whether you’re an aspiring painter looking to expand your skills or an experienced creative seeking new inspiration, this article is tailor-made for intermediate acrylic artists like you. So, gather your brushes, sharpen your palette knives, and prepare to dive into a world of imaginative possibilities. From captivating landscapes to mesmerizing portraits, we have a multitude of intermediate acrylic painting ideas that will ignite your passion and challenge your artistic abilities. With a neutral tone and a creative approach, this article invites you to explore the vast realm of intermediate acrylic painting and take your artistic expression to new heights.

Where to get Ideas for acrylic painting?

  • pinterest, just type acrylic painting ideas or painting ideas, as it doesn’t matter the medium, you can do it in acrylics!
  • google images – same
  • facebook groups for acrylic painting beginners. People post a lot of works, it may inspire you.
  • your photo album – choose your favorite photos.
  • movies and tv shows or games – paint your fav character or scene.
  • world around you. Every artist sees details no one else can see. World around us is unique.

What do you need to paint acrylic on canvas?

Supplies for easy acrylic painting on canvas:

To learn all about supplies, check this guide for beginners about tools and this How-to paint on canvas.

Please, do not limit your creativity! These ideas will absolutely work on wood, canvas, your old T-shirt, glass, and even rocks! I have a few simple guides on how to paint on different surfaces, so nothing can stop you now:

You may think, well, I got this, but I am not creative, I don’t have TALENT to draw or paint. You don’t have to! You can paint how you feel and you will progress over time, I guarantee you.

Yet, some artists, especially those with some sort of art education, all started by drawing with simple pencils. If you are nerdy enough to get yourself into drawing I highly recommend these 42 hours of pencil drawing tutorials. Afterwards you’ll never say, I can’t draw 🙂

10 Easy Acrylic Painting Ideas for Beginners on Canvas

1 – Night sky

Night skies can be different all over the world. It could also be a night sky not on the Earth, why not? You can take a photo of the night sky and use it as a reference or use your imagination.

Insider Tip: the most simple way to paint night sky may be to paint on pre-primed black canvas.
By J.CMax

Here is an idea for desert Night Sky:

Original artwork credit:

Check out these 22 Easy Night Sky Painting Tutorials (Acrylic, Watercolor, Poster Paint, Gouache)

2 – Painting Galaxy with acrylic

Galaxy is appealing and mysterious, but very easy to paint with acrylics, to be honest. You can use a dry brush or sponge and make it happen in 5 minutes!

Colors you can use (buy brands such as Liquitex, Golden, Winsor & Newton) for galaxy paintings, here are all colors by Liquitex:

Unkonw artist (please come forward if the work if yours so I can properly credit you)

The video tutorial on painting galaxy with sponge:

Read also: Violet vs Purple: The Difference You Should Know

3 – Mountains with acrylics

Mountains can be soooo different! With trees, winter mountains, mountains on an imaginary planet, Japanese mountains, Kilimanjaro, etc.

So many options!

Original idea by unknown artist, but it was taken by some paint-by-numbers company and also diamond painting.

My original work of Caucasus mountains, canvas, 2018

How to paint mountains with acrylics:

Insider Tip: to create depth in your mountain painting, paint in layers going from the furthest mountains to the closest ones. Remember that not all mountains resemble a pyramid.

4 – Rivers or lakes

Water may be quite tricky to paint, but let’s start with rivers or lakes. Find a photo from your favorite spot or steal one from Pinterest.

By talented Australian artists Ian Harris, see full demo video.
I’m unable to find the author, please message me if you know who is it

Swan Lake by PaintSesh

You can paint just a lake or a lake with swans or a boat. Lake in summer, or winter, on a rainy day – choose what inspires you.

Insider Tip: If you a very very beginner, try not to choose complex ideas with a lot of details, shades and reflections.

5 – Your fav photo

This is might be one of your first paintings. Today painting a photo from Instagram became a very popular trend among some artists, this is a work by Sasha Robinson which will be probably sold for a couple of thousand $$.

By Sasha Robinson

6 – Your pet

Paint your loved dog, cat, fish or hamster, or any other pet you have. It could be just for practice, but also can be a great gift or memory.

puppy acrylic painting easy
Created by my team: Easy Dog Painting for Beginners [Step-by-step Tutorial]

Choose a photo or make one use it as a reference, make a sketch first. Painting animals takes time and patience, but a beginner can absolutely make it!

if you are painting a dog or cat, use a round small brush or a liner for details and fur, or even add fur with a pen or pencil. Use white paint painting fur.

Here is a guide How to paint a cat in acrylics:

Here is a Youtube video How to paint a dog with acrylic:

7 – Easy dot painting with acrylics

Dot art can be very detailed and take a lot of time. For a beginner, though it can be an easy way to start. You don’t have to mix a lot of paint, you don’t have to paint objects and details – only dots, which is easy with a round brush.

Technically, anything can become a dot painting: a mandala, a landscape, an abstract idea.

By Brenda
Pinned by Kaz Lee
Sold on Esty: Music Quaver 8th Note

You can also use henna bags instead of a brush 😉

Painting dots make sure your brush is always clean!

8 – Abstract Painting on Black Background

The black background is a lot of fun. You can paint it with black paint, you can prime a raw canvas with black gesso, or you can simply buy a pre-primed black canvas.

Abstract art is freedom, there are no rules and you are free to express yourself with any colors and shapes you want: lines, dots, paint dripping from the brush, big strokes – everything is acceptable.

The Splash (2017) said to be created by an American artist, but I can’t find the name (if you know please message me!)

I have more ideas on black background for you: 54 Awesome Black Canvas Painting Ideas You’ll Want to Replicate and for those in love with black and white 60 Cool and Easy Black and White Painting Ideas.

9 – Make Acrylic look like Watercolor

To make acrylic paintwork as watercolor, you will need to thin acrylics with Liquitex Flow Aid and distilled water (you can use tap water too, but it is still recommended to use distilled water).

Here is a short video demonstrating wet-on-wet techniques with acrylics:

Please note, that watering acrylics down will make the transparent color even more translucent and opaque colors will also become thinner. To learn all about opacity and what colors are naturally more opaque than others check this blog: 7 Ways How to Make Acrylics More Opaque & Full Opaque Colors List.

10 – Paint Sunset with acrylic paint

What sunset are you imagining? Sunset on the beach, sunset in the megapolis, sunset on top of the mountain or near a lake?

Follow tutorials on
Simple Sunset Paintings by Ahmad Art (click to watch the full tutorial)
Full tutorial of these Sunset Mountains by Instructables
Cityscape by Jasmine (click to watch her tutorial)

Paint sunset with acrylic paint is extremely easy. You may have used the following colors:

Start with the background, moving from one color to another (use brush or sponge), let it dry, and then paint the closest objects with black paint. Add details and highlights with white and that’s it!

1. Unleashing Your Creativity: Engaging Intermediate Acrylic Painting Ideas

Are you an intermediate artist looking for new acrylic painting ideas that will spark your creativity? Look no further! In this post, we will explore a variety of engaging and unique ideas to help unleash your imagination and take your acrylic painting skills to the next level.

1. Experiment with Different Textures:
Why not add some texture to your paintings? You can achieve this by mixing sand or crushed eggshells with your acrylic paint. Apply this mixture to your canvas using a palette knife or a brush and see how it adds depth and interest to your artwork. You can also try using unconventional materials like bubble wrap or even aluminum foil to create intriguing textures.

2. Play with Color Combinations:
Don’t be afraid to mix and match different colors to create eye-catching combinations. Consider using complementary colors, such as blue and orange or red and green, to make your paintings pop. Alternatively, you can opt for analogous colors, like different shades of blue and green, to create a harmonious and soothing effect.

2. Taking Your Skills to the Next Level: Exciting Intermediate Acrylic Painting Projects

Ready to embark on an exhilarating journey of artistic growth? In this section, we invite you to dive into the world of intermediate acrylic painting projects that will elevate your skills to new heights. Get ready to push boundaries, experiment with techniques, and unleash your creativity like never before.

1. Mix and Match: Challenge yourself to combine various painting styles to create a unique masterpiece. Feel the thrill of blending realism with impressionism or incorporating abstract elements into a traditional landscape. The possibilities are endless, and this project will teach you how to harmonize diverse influences into a visually captivating artwork.

2. A Whirlwind of Colors: Unleash your inner color magician! Explore the world of color theory by pushing the boundaries of your palette. Experiment with complementary, analogous, or even triadic color schemes to create dynamic paintings that evoke powerful emotions. Embrace color as your ally and harness its transformative power in this mesmerizing project.

As we conclude our artistic journey through the realm of intermediate acrylic painting ideas, we hope that you have found inspiration, excitement, and a newfound depth to your creative expressions. With each brushstroke and every splash of vibrant color, you have embraced the enchanting possibilities that acrylic paints offer.

Remember, dear artist, that your creative journey is one of continuous growth and exploration. As an intermediate painter, you have successfully transcended the constraints of beginner techniques and dived into a world of limitless possibilities. Whether it be experimenting with bold textures, mastering light and shadow, or delving into the mysteries of abstract art, your acrylic canvas serves as a gateway to your artistic potential.

Now armed with a fresh arsenal of innovative ideas, let your imagination run wild. Explore the delicate balance between realism and abstraction, the bold dance between colors that mesmerize, and the interplay of various styles that may define your unique artistic voice. From impressionism to expressionism, new beginnings arise from the amalgamation of techniques, influences, and boundless passion.

Engage with fellow artists, attend workshops, and immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of acrylic painting. The journey toward mastery may be long, but the rewards are infinite. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead, for it is through conquering the unfamiliar that we emerge stronger and more accomplished.

As your artistic prowess continues to evolve, remember that the beauty of intermediate acrylic painting lies not only in the final masterpiece, but in the joy of the process itself. Relish each moment of creation, as the interplay of color, texture, and form unveils

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