Best Engagement Ring Brands

Shimmering with love and promises, engagement rings have an uncanny ability to weave dreams and transform fantasies into tangible reality. It is the ultimate symbol of commitment and an exquisite adornment that encapsulates the eternal bond between two souls. When searching for the perfect ring, you deserve nothing but the very best. With a plethora of options available, narrowing down the finest engagement ring brands can feel like navigating a labyrinth of sparkles. Fear not, dear reader, for we have embarked upon a quest to uncover the crème de la crème of engagement ring brands. In this glittering sojourn, we shall explore the realms of timeless elegance, unparalleled craftsmanship, and enchanting designs, all in our pursuit of the pinnacle of perfection. Prepare to embark upon a journey that will inspire even the most discerning of hearts.

There are several reasons why a tooth would be extracted. Most times wisdom teeth always get extracted. This is basically not because people can’t live with it but because it may have been as a result of tooth troubles or improper positioning. On the other hand, tooth decay, an infection on the tooth, and crowding could be a reason why tooth extraction would be considered. Most times when a tooth needs to be aligned with either braces or clear aligners, one may require to pull out a tooth or more in order to aid tooth mobility. One other way tooth extraction may be considered is in cases of chemotherapy. Those undergoing chemo may require to extract a tooth or more in order to keep their mouth healthy. On the other hand, the cost of tooth extraction can vary. There are certain factors you should put into consideration.

A proper and effective tooth extraction is often carried out by a trained dentist and during the process an anesthesia may be required to help keep the spot for extraction numb. Oftentimes, tooth extraction is a simple procedure, only in rare cases where the tooth may have been broken or impacted that would require surgical extraction.

How Much Does A Tooth Extraction Cost? 

The cost of a tooth extraction procedure varies. This depends on if there are underlying issues, the type of dental clinic visited as well as the condition of the tooth to be extracted. Simple extraction falls between a few thousands of Naira per tooth and in other cases, the type of anesthesia implemented may increase the cost of the procedure. However, the cost to extract a normal tooth differed from the cost of extracting impacted teeth. The price is slightly higher.

How To Prepare For A Tooth Extraction. 

As soon as your appointment is confirmed, you would be required to visit the dental clinic so that the dentist can begin the tooth extraction process. During your clerking procedure, be sure to tell your dentist about any medication you are currently taking. Your dentist would also require you to have a dental X-ray. Speak to your dentist with all sincerity of heart so you don’t complicate your tooth extraction procedure.

Here is a list of procedures you should relate to your dentist 

  • a congenital heart defect
  • diabetes
  • liver disease
  • thyroid disease
  • renal disease
  • hypertension
  • an artificial joint
  • damaged heart valves
  • adrenal disease
  • an impaired immune system
  • history of bacterial endocarditis

Your dentist may want to make sure all conditions are stable or treated before you undergo the tooth extraction. You might be prescribed antibiotics in the days leading up to the procedure if:

  1. Your surgery is expected to belong.
  2. You have an infection or a weakened immune system.
  3. You have a specific medical condition.

It’s helpful to keep the following in mind for the day of the tooth extraction in order to ensure quality treatment:

  • If you will be receiving intravenous (IV) anesthesia, wear a short-sleeved shirt or loose-fitted clothing, and don’t eat or drink for six to eight hours before your appointment.
  • Don’t smoke beforehand. Tell your dentist if you have a cold, as you may need to reschedule.
  • Tell your dentist if you had nausea or vomiting the night before, which may require different anesthesia or rescheduling.
  • If you’re receiving general anesthesia, have someone with you to drive you home.

What Next after Surgery? 

After tooth extraction has been carried out, you would be required to take certain measures in order to keep the spot clean and healthy. You would be required to:

Change Dental Gauze. 

As soon as your surgery is completed, the dentist would place layers of gauze on the spot and expect you to bite hard on it. When you bite, the pressure exerted would help stop the site from bleeding.

Pain Control

One thing you should bear in mind, the given anesthesia would definitely wear off. It is important to note that if after a few hours you still feel numb at that spot, kindly contact your dentist. To help you ease your pain, the dentist would prescribe pain and inflammatory drugs to help you heal quickly.

Swell Control

You may experience mild swelling in the area of the extraction. Don’t panic, this is normal, kindly apply ice to help alleviate the swelling.

Avoiding Disturbing The Extraction Site

It may be quite difficult to avoid your tongue and fingers going to that spot. However, you should bear in mind that the first few hours after your tooth extraction procedure is quite important. Disturbing the area could cause blood clotting and slow down the healing process.

Here is a list of things you should consciously avoid. 

  1. Sucking on the extraction site
  2. Touching it with their tongue
  3. Using a straw
  4. Spitting
  5. Eating solid — especially crunchy — foods
  6. Rinsing the mouth vigorously
  7. Drinking alcoholic beverages or using mouthwash that contains alcohol
  8. Smoking
  9. Taking care when eating.
  10. After tooth extraction, drink plenty of fluids and eat soft, nutritious foods.
  11. When chewing becomes comfortable again, slowly reintroduce solid foods. The dentist will recommend chewing on the side opposite from the extraction site until the wound has fully healed.
  12. Brushing and flossing- continue to brush and floss as usual after a tooth extraction, but be careful not to disturb the blood clotting.
  13. Starting the day after surgery, people can also rinse every few hours with warm saltwater. To make this, add half a teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of water.

To have a hassle-free tooth extraction procedure at a low at a dental clinic near you, kindly contact us by clicking here.

1. “Glamour Meets Quality: Delve into the World of Exquisite Engagement Rings from Top-notch Brands”

Indulge in the allure of breathtaking beauty and unrivaled craftsmanship with our handpicked collection of exquisite engagement rings sourced from the finest brands in the industry. Every ring tells a unique story, and at our store, we pride ourselves in curating the most exceptional pieces that embody elegance, luxury, and everlasting romance.

Prepare to be captivated by the dazzling brilliance of diamonds, the lustrous glow of precious metals, and the meticulous attention to detail that only top-notch brands can provide. Our collection offers a kaleidoscope of designs, from classic solitaires that symbolize timeless love to contemporary creations that showcase modern sophistication.

  • Unmatched expertise: Our engagement rings are crafted by renowned brands with decades of experience in the art of fine jewelry making. They combine traditional craftsmanship with innovative techniques to create rings that are truly exceptional.
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    2. “A Quest for Perfection: Discover the Finest Engagement Ring Brands Redefining the Symbol of Love

    It is hard to imagine what can be so unbearably distressing as a toothache. It results in a painful and throbbing pain that is intolerable. What’s worse is that it also causes a terrible headache. The usual reaction each time a toothache strike is to go to the dentist for a checkup which might result in the tooth getting extracted or a preventive.

    Tooth extraction is a process where the dentist removes a tooth from the socket (the hole in the bone where the tooth was removed) or dental alveolus (the sockets in the jaw).

    Why are teeth extracted?

    While many teens and some adults get their wisdom teeth removed, there are other reasons why tooth extraction may be necessary for adulthood.

    Excessive tooth decay, tooth infection, and crowding can all require a tooth extraction. Those who get braces may need one or two teeth removed to provide room for their other teeth as they shift into place. Additionally, those who are undergoing chemotherapy or are about to have an organ transplant may need compromised teeth removed in order to keep their mouth healthy.

    Tooth extraction is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon and is a relatively quick outpatient procedure with either local, general, intravenous anesthesia, or a combination.

    How to prepare for a teeth extraction

    We regard the removal of a tooth as a last resort here at Choice Dental. We will explore every other alternative, and if there is no choice, we will carry out the tooth extraction to the highest professional standards.

    But first and foremost, we are here to save teeth. However, sometimes a tooth extraction is the only option. Like when a tooth is too badly damaged or decayed to be saved. Or, in the case of children, if one of their baby teeth is preventing a permanent tooth from erupting.

    We also recommend tooth removal when a tooth becomes infected due to the patient’s weakened immune system, or when a wisdom tooth becomes impacted.

    Once the extraction has taken place, we can discuss your options in terms of filling the gap left behind. In the case of wisdom teeth, replacement is often not necessary.

    Dental implants are the most natural-looking replacements but other options are available to you.

    Extracting Wisdom Teeth

    Wisdom teeth are among the most commonly extracted teeth. They are located at the back of your upper and lower jaws. Most people have four, although it is possible to have more or less.

    Either way, they often erupt when a patient is in their late teens. Occasionally, if the wisdom teeth don’t cause any problems and there’s room for them, they can remain in the mouth. But usually, they cause problems.

    They can grow into nearby teeth or remain under the gumline causing issues such as swelling, pain, and damage to other teeth. Infections and cysts can also develop.

    In such situations, extraction of the wisdom tooth is usually required to protect the health of the other teeth. In many cases, multiple wisdom teeth are removed in one go.

    Before carrying out a wisdom tooth extraction in Lagos, our dentists will thoroughly check your oral tissues via an X-ray that will reveal how your other teeth are in relation to the wisdom teeth.

    Also, you will be expected to tell your dentist about any of the following conditions:

    • a congenital heart defect
    • diabetes
    • liver disease
    • thyroid disease
    • renal disease
    • hypertension
    • an artificial joint
    • damaged heart valves
    • adrenal disease
    • an impaired immune system
    • history of bacterial endocarditis

    Your dentist may want to make sure all conditions are stable or treated before you undergo the tooth extraction. You might be prescribed antibiotics in the days leading up to the procedure if:

    • your surgery is expected to be long
    • you have an infection or a weakened immune system you have a specific medical condition
    • It’s helpful to keep the following in mind for the day of the tooth extraction in order to ensure quality treatment

    From this, a treatment plan will be devised for you.

    Before the treatment takes place, you will be given local anesthesia to ensure the procedure is pain-free. Our dentists have performed many wisdom teeth extractions, so you will be in safe hands.

    “The service rendered by Choice Dental team is of the highest professional standard I have ever come across, having visited many dental clinics. The ambiance is cool, the warm smile of the staff is infectious. I will definitely call again.”

    1. Yetunde, March 2019

    What is the procedure of a tooth extraction?

    Your tooth extraction will either be simple or surgical, depending on whether your tooth is visible or impacted.

    Simple extraction

    Simple extractions are relatively easy procedures that can be performed by your dentist in the office, requiring little to no major recovery time. This type of extraction is done on teeth that are clearly visible in the mouth, and not still hiding beneath the gums

    You will receive a local anesthetic, which numbs the area around your tooth so you’ll feel only pressure, not pain, during the procedure. The dentist then uses an instrument called an elevator to loosen the tooth and forceps to remove it.

    Surgical extraction

    You will likely receive both local anesthesia and intravenous anesthesia, the latter of which makes you calm and relaxed. You may also receive general anesthesia, depending on any medical condition. With general anesthesia, you will remain unconscious during the procedure.

    “My visit to Choice Dental was efficient and informative. Aside from treating my dental issues, the doctors actively informed me of my dental state and the importance of taking care of my teeth and gum. Thank you for your service.”

    1. Grant, June 2019

    The general dentist or oral surgeon will cut into your gum with a small incision. They may need to remove bone around your tooth or cut your tooth before it can be extracted.

    What is the recovery period from a tooth extraction?

    It normally takes a few days to recover after tooth extraction. The following steps help ensure that your recovery goes smoothly.

    • Apply an ice pack to your cheek directly after the procedure to reduce swelling. Use the ice pack for 10 minutes each time.
    • After the dentist places the gauze pad over the affected area, bite down to reduce bleeding and to aid in clot formation. Leave the gauze on for three to four hours, or until the pad is soaked with blood.
    • Take any medications as prescribed, including over-the-counter painkillers.
    • Rest and relax for the first 24 hours. Do not jump immediately into your regular routine the following day.
    • Don’t use a straw for the first 24 hours.
    • Don’t smoke.
    • Don’t rinse for 24 hours after the tooth extraction, and spit only gently.
    • Use pillows to prop your head up when you lie down.
    • Brush and floss your teeth like normal, but avoid the extraction site.
    • The day after the procedure, eat soft foods, such as yogurt, pudding, and applesauce.
    • After 24 hours, add a half-teaspoon of salt to eight ounces of warm water to rinse out your mouth.
    • As you heal over the next few days, you can slowly reintroduce other foods into your diet.

    If you are experiencing pain that isn’t going away after several days or signs of an infection —including fever, pain, and pus or drainage from the incision — make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible.

    Cost of Tooth Extraction

    “Choice Dental is an excellent facility. Very high standard and service quality. Global in concept, efficiency, and delivery. Never knew we had such in Nigeria managed 100% by highly competent staff. I would recommend without reservation.”

    1. Ogunmolati

    Choice dental clinic is state-of-the-art dental care with a highly educated team and extensively trained dentists, hygienists, and nurses who are passionate about providing superior dental treatment.

    Dr. Sade Akiode, a dentist with over 20 years of experience has assembled a team of dentists, hygienists, and nurses who are passionate about providing superior dental treatment. They are highly educated and extensively trained through continuing education to offer the patients the treatment they need and deserve with a mission to make the world a little better through improved dental health, one smile at a time.

    For more details on the cost of tooth extraction, below is the schedule at Choice Dental.

    Mondays-Thursdays: 9 am-7 pm

    Friday: 9 am to 6 pm

    Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm

    If you require a tooth extraction or would like to see if the team at Choice Dental can save your tooth so that an extraction is not required, please book an appointment. Our skilled dental team is currently accepting patients in Lagos, Ikoyi, Lekki, and Eko Atlantic.

    Call +234 81 1113 1200 or 0700-DENTIST

    Or use our dental appointment booking form

    At Choice Dental, we are ready and happy to help you with your dental needs. Visit our website for more information,

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